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Showing posts from 2013

History changes Geography

First sight! Definitely NOT love  It has been raining almost continuously for the past 2 months. The ground was saturated and could take in no more. I found myself looking up to the sky and wondering what's wrong? It doesn't seem right. This kind of weather in Calgary? Everything was so green that it should've been Vancouver. Most people(almost the entire population) who live in Canada have a vitamin D deficiency. I am one among them. So, the Sun being absent is noticed. Missed. Even if it is for a day. The trees in the middle is what remains of  Princes Island Park As it is, we get nice weather for 6 months in a year. I wasn't ready to part with 2 more months.  We live farther away from the river. In fact, until people called/emailed to check on me(thanks all) I wasn't even aware of the flooding situation. The part of the city I live in has more open area. If the rain stopped for 2 hours, the road dried up. I had no idea that all that storm water...

Isha in Alberta

The last few weeks have been very humbling. I have been visiting Edmonton to present Isha Kriya to people. The crowd hasn't been crazy et al. But close to 25 new people know about Sadhguru and Isha Kriya. And the change is already showing. We are having Surya Kriya programs in Calgary and Edmonton. I barely slept 5 hours on 2 days; Saw my daughter probably half of the time she was awake; thanks to a supportive husband, I forgot that I had a family. Every time I stood before people, I trusted every word I said. There is probably nothing in this world that I would do with this much conviction. It made everything worthwhile. This is the best aspect of being a volunteer. The process is humbling and the end result so worthwhile. There is something that makes me feel like nothing. I am able to place myself aside. I become someone I can only dream of becoming. Those moments...when i dissolve...don't can i express in words? It is the most wonderful feeling I have ev...