Monday, August 30, 2010

Volunteering with Isha

I know what made me want to go to Florida(from Canada) to volunteer for the IE class.
With the IE online happening, there could be some time before this class happens again.
But I was not so sure after making reservations. After all, I took the class in San Francisco & I have family & friends there. It made so much sense to stay with someone whom I already knew.
But there I was sitting on a plane in Calgary. Absolutely pleasant & joyful for no apparent reason.
A series of fortunate events happened. IE happened. Again! And I am blown over. All over again. In a completely different way. And how so grateful I am!
Today is the last day of the class. I've been living in close association with so many volunteers.
SO many things happened. I can barely find words. So, I am not even going to try.
But I am noticing one difference distinctly. The past is no more. The future is not here yet. I am living in the now - No, not even today. Just this moment. I have sometimes tried to remember what happened yesterday. Surprisingly & fortunately, I am unable to. It may not last forever, but I am thankful for as long as it lasts.

Every Isha volunteer manages to touch me the same way. Being here, it seems like I've known these people for eternity. And its been 6 days so far.

I expected something drastic from this trip & this class. It has been quite a ride so far, thanks to a few people. :)
I was also stunned to see a 15 year old boy taking the class. I can only imagine how much his life would change.

It has been a bliss so far. So much gratitude. I bow down.
Thank you Florida volunteers.


Ananth said...

Now all you have to do is take the next flight to hyderabad and come and volunteer for the class starting today(which is taken by yours truly..;-)..i am sure you will make it to the initiation...hehehe...just kidding..
Just wondering how it would be without all these classes..

Unknown said...

Hugs :-))

Just back from Sathsang with Sadhguru!

Anonymous said...

Meera akka,

Never knew you had a blog, Your writings are so nice. Do you have a photography site to do some justice to the $$$ camera you have :) ?
Skip Hyderabad for now, you have an open invitation from FL, please bring G and S next time :)
You should know by now what FL has to offer !


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