Saturday, April 07, 2007

Warm & Welcoming

I am done with 2 loads of laundry now(huge load due to laziness). I could not help myself from lying down on those dried warm clothes. I used to do that every saturday(Amma's saree preferable) when I was a kid(other days got school). However hot Chennai got, freshly warm dry clothes really make a good bed.
When you are from a tropical place, it stays with you for ever.

I don't know if I am sounding really out-of-the-ordinary here. Is it only me having fairy tale days or do others do it too?


Vidya said...

Oh that is such a good feeling isn't it ? I sometimes do that with my laundry too but then reality strikes and I fold them up like a responsible adult !


Chakra said...

wish we had some sunshine to dry up our clothes... it all happens here with the dryer!!:((

ME said...

Vidya: Good to know I am not the only one!
Sam: Even if it is sunny here, I still cannot dry clothes outside :-(
I laid down on the dryer dried clothes only :-)

Unknown said...

Amma's saree "Yes" and preferably cotton saree with starch.

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