Thursday, May 31, 2007

Passion of the Christ

I am from a Catholic school & I more or less know the life of Jesus. I've never watched "The ten commandments" during Good Friday or Easter back in India.
I can be unpredictable when it comes to such movies. I happened to pick this dvd from the library last week. Wondering how easily I got hold of such a hard-to-get movie, I later realized that it was the Hebrew version. I would not have understood head or tail of it but for the subtitles.
It started slow, but I got into it soon enough, probably because, I knew bits & pieces of the story already. On the other hand, the movie put my hubby to sleep after mentioning that I like & watch all "saamy padams" :-)
No doubt, the movie was gross & grueling when it came to showing the torture on Jesus. I would gladly throw up on some of those scenes ie., when the Jew soldiers fit a thorned fence on his head, the prior torture scene beating him until the very last crucification. No one deserves such torture for doing nothing but good.
Again, like the most-talked-about Da Vinci Code being fictitious, I don't know how much of this is truth. I did read a lot of reviews stating that the movie had a catholic influence(the importance/presence of Mary all through the film) from its writer/producer Mel Gibson. Mary Magdalene was also shown all though the film!!!!

I am very much human & the movie made me hate the character of Judas even more for cheating on Jesus.
Here are some of the movie trivia. And yeah! James Caviezel was "the" man to be Jesus.


Vidya said...

When I was in India, strategic padams were always played during certain periods of the year. I would avoid see the Jesus Christ crucification related movies during Easter. Romba feeling a irukkum...

Likewise with the movie Gandhi during Gandhi Jayanthi!

Wonder what they play now? Hmm...


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